Saturday, December 22, 2012


Enough has already been said and done about 'security' and 'safety' for women and there is no point in re-emphasising what the Government, media and the general public has been saying about the issue of brutality and violence against women. Its so strange that living in a democratic country per say has not really meant anything when it comes to a woman's independence. Everybody says that today's women have undergone tremendous changes where they have become career-oriented and achieved a lot of success while at the same time, proving to be excellent multi-taskers but the change has disappointingly and disapprovingly not been seen in the society's mindset and attitudes towards women and that in fact is a spot and a shameful way of progress in a developing country.
The talks regarding Human Rights have significance only when Respect is shown to humans as a whole and women particularly and they are not treated as animals/inanimate objects to be used and thrown away or repeatedly abused. The current Delhi Rape case has opened an old Pandora's box but in full view because the Media has been covering the issue with a lot of impact and the getting together of the people-young and aged alike has been gaining momentum which are becoming an inspiration to rise against such heinous crimes.
The Humanity as we witness it today has become more of a challenge to sustain and such cases highlight that impact to a very great extent. The problem is there for everyone to see and experience but the fact remains that nobody wants to take any action which would set an example simply because, it seems to be a woman's problem.....a woman's issue....and therefore pretty feminist in approach, that is definitely not that significant as compared to Budgets and financial policies that remain a man's forte.
As the old and famous phrase 'The opening of the Pandora's box' has a story attached to it where according to ancient Greek mythology, Zeus had given a box containing the evils and miseries of humankind to Pandora with instructions not to open it but she had eventually opened it out of curiosity and as such the perception and attitude towards women remains to be highly regarded as problem creators and therefore, they are left to solve their own problems at the mercy of a seamless web of administrative and bureaucratic pressures, the uncouth population and an helpless judiciary. This Pandora's box has not only opened the darker side of society but has brought a woman and her dignity into the mainstream society by highlighting that Identity Politics is a dangerous and highly situation-oriented phenomenon that seems debated and highly vulnerable in tough waters.
A woman is supposedly given a voice with a 33% reservation as compared to men in Political fields but the remnants of that number remain when no sort of cruelty and brutality is left to any sought of imagination and the character of the very same woman stands to questions.
The question of the humanity and sea of change goes all wrong with not the opening of the Pandora's box but with the closing of a thinking mind whereby Women are no more human beings....!! Its not the opening of the Pandora's box that has spelt doom for humanity but the closing of the doors to change!    

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Karva Chauth is fine- what about THE MOON?

Moon, you have a shade of blue tonight –
Is it something that you saw or heard?
Only yesterday, your tone was proud and bright,
Yellow silver, full, and so assured.

These lines by Mark R Slaughter in' Moon, We Look to You'  just add to the significance of the day for millions of glaring eyes who look upto the Moon, some in the anticipation of breaking their fast for their dear (or could just be the opposite) husbands and the rest in their criticism of the custom. Either ways, Moon is the talking point of the whole day and the Guest of Honour for the evening. I don't know if anybody would have waited so much even for their husbands than for a glimpse of this brightest object in the night sky.

Its believed to be good for safety and longetivity of the husband and therefore, called the ideal wife's duty. OK! I get the point. But ever thought about the Moon?

The pointers!
The Fasting souls- whether married or otherwise pray for their husband's long lives, good enough but what about the criticism, abuses and the undue pressure on the Moon for making it on time?

The Moon for most people, especially those in love or married (notice the pun) is the constant unit of comparison. Though on an everyday basis, its compared to the beauty of the woman, on this day, for a change the comparison is with the man and that is why a sieve or sifter is used. Sadly, no holiday!

Remember, Dear ladies, lunatic decisions of your life when choosing a life partner might have made you suicidal, but fasting your way towards it on a Lunar moon day is definitely not in anybody's interest.


Miles away, often i wait for you to see me,
so, here, i take my sweet revenge when you long for me!


Sunday, October 07, 2012

Just some time!
Yes, there's me and there's you! There is my life that revolves around you and there is your life where i am not even in the reflections of the moon! I always dream of time doing wonders, and "just some time" is what i keep telling myself, but will it ever happen?
A year and a quarter that i know you, and i always look forward to the time when you will say the same about me. I feel the warmth of the morning sun when i hear your voice, remembering each and every smile that i have shared with you, every worry that did not seem troublesome after sharing them with you, few miles that i never imagined i could cover became my life's treasure hunt all because of you!
You might not realise your own worth, just some time with me can answer for all these unknowns.
          I promise you, i will never leave you, in the extremes of situations,
          take me with you to a world full of us, Just some time,
          I wish you could tell me before the aisle starts!!

There is you and there is me.....JUST SOME TIME...."THERE IS US?"


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ganesha brought home and with it, some thoughts too!

A very HAPPY GANESH CHATURTHI to all of you! 

"The 'reliever of pains and troubles' or  विग्नहर्था  is not just a friend, philosopher and guide, he is 'GANU BHAIYA' who saves one and all from trouble".

This seems to be a very common line with many people's lives, the expectation to reach the Almighty, to the highest possible echelon of spirituality, to please the unknown powers who are considered to be known, read and followed through mythological texts, inscriptions and folk lores for successful beginnings in all endeavours.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of looking up and remembering the 'power above' but the problem starts when people are not allowed to follow their own spiritual paths and make their choice in terms of whom they consider to be their ideal supreme power.
Although, am not a veteran with mythology as a subject and also not on the path of spirituality but i do believe that truthfulness to the self and faith in the powers of the almighty are ways to enlighten oneself as well as engage with the self, but the immense satisfaction that becomes visible on the face and even in the mind, is incomparable and that for me, is the true engagement with God. This remarkable feeling varies from people to people and that is where the tolerance to all religions and faiths as mentioned even in the Constitution of India for that matter stands true to itself.

Oneness in diversity is explicable but the beauty lies in understanding that the oneness has different interpretations and meanings over time and that is a significant part to preach and practice.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Arranged 25 years ago- A wedding!

There are many people in life who matter a lot but there are very few who matter the most and AMMA and APPA make it to the top of the list, just by being there always, caring, worrying and loving me in their own ways!

On the eve of 25 years of their married life, i feel a bit of amazement, wonder, and happiness and even a sense of bewilderment, considering they managed to keep the wheels of the cart of an arranged marriage going despite their constant fights, over expectations of each other and disappointments, their opposite natures and a 'superfluous happily married life' that has had more share of low patches than happy moments. A marriage that seems to survive now because of a duty towards a daughter, born after lot of prayers and hymns to all dieties across temples as surprising as it seems, is a reality they deal with and in that reality, they constantly try to keep going with a lot of speed breakers that no longer make any difference simply because, another four letter word has seemed to replace a much significant word.
DUTY has replaced LOVE. Or did ever love happen at the first place? Am i hallucinating too much or simply taking them for granted? These and many such questions have plagued me for a long time now, growing up has been tough but still, they have been wonderful parents, no matter what! THANKYOU does not make sense, as Amma says even now, '' why are you thanking me? There is no thankyou between a mother and her daughter'' yet, i feel obliged that inspite of a so-called 'marital discord', you both have been there!

On the morning of 21st August 1987, two people got married with a lot of dreams and expectations of each other. Those times have changed such that those dreams and expectations hold no meaning anymore. There is no love lost between them. However, they have managed to find me....only if they could have truly found each other, i could have surely seconded 'matches are made in heaven'.

Life gives you everything but not what you need the most. "HAPPY SILVER JUBILEE? " Period.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

'Gangs' at home!

Its saturday night.....its the time to party...go out.....have fun movies....and a typical saturday night turns out to be would the feeling be?

Yes...thats what i am feeling right now!

Missing a premiere of the movie 'Gangs of Wasseypur Part 2' at Osian Cine Fan Festival at Siri Fort, New Delhi sounds dumb and unfortunate specially when its before the movie hits the silver screens and its the for no charge but then thats how some days are or rather some much awaited evenings are! As usual, there are no prizes for guessing the reason behind missing out the action. Parents who like to have their kids at home idle but not 'wasting time' by watching a movie and that too a much anticipated and awaited one!

A feeling of pity just overpowers when you have the seat even, everything decided and in place but not the permission! Its a bit unfair but then thats how a fuss is created and am trying to master the just wait and see if it works and at the least a show gets booked for the coming week!

          Too much? or too less? Make a fuss and earn a ticket.....

Coming soon....!

Friday, July 20, 2012

'Pichala Janam'!

Title courtesy- Aman Dua urf Peace!

The last few weeks have given me a dimension to life that i have known but not explored much, the concept of 'Pichala Janam' or past lives that supposedly define the life we are currently living.  Books like Brien Weiss' Many lives, many masters talks about past life regression therapy which has been found to cure phobias, current life medical problems and many unidentified yet prolonging syndromes!

The book shares the author's uncanny experiences in a very simple way but the new insight has given me a look into my own current life and i have started wondering more about the people who were, are and might be coming and their imporatnce in my life, the lessons they made me learn, the way they shaped my life and why some of them left so early and without a trace are questions plaguing me for a while now! I really wish i had answers to why, what, how, who, which and when!

Family, friends, love were all strangers at some point of time, then how did they become so familiar? How did we get into their lives which affected our life too? Where are still others who have disappeared? And why some appear again and again? Why some manage to give sweetest and warmest memories while others leave a sour taste? Why some understand us so well when others don't? Why some are lucky to get away with their wishes and others have to fight hard?

The only conclusion that i draw of this vast topic is just live your life in the most simple way, loving everyone who comes into your life, following the correct order of things and earning respect in your endeavours! That is how i see it atleast as of now!

Surely, we have met before? Ain't we? You remember?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A conversation that was indeed special!

'Twinkle twinkle little star, how i wonder what you are?'
Google images

A kindergarden poem that goes like this is a memory that we all hold dear and definitely many such memories form a part of life that we all live and cherish. A part of these wonderful memories are conversations that we tend to have as we are growing up and even after we have grown up to remind us that there is no best thing than to share our experiences, emotions and situations with people who are so dear. It could be family, friends or even acquaintances on a journey giving us good moments that are indeed special.
A life that has no such memories is not worth living and a life where even after such memories, its not shared is even more of a curse because conversations are the best way to bring out the innermost feelings that are always true.

Whether, over a cuppa of coffee or on a social networking site or a simple one-to-one phone or message talk, the sharing of life is indeed a very special way to reinstate the fact about the way we respect and value a part of ourselves, whether it is sweet or bitter, good or bad, beautiful or ugly!

It may just be a conversation but the effect it has on the soul is commendable. The relief it provides is a welcome respite from sorrows that overpower the peace of mind and joys that accompany flashbacks of stories and incidents are even more good memories of life that give strength during testing times.

An ice-breaking session on the first day of school, college, office, or even camps are no less carried out for the same purpose. Conversations matter simply because they are the best ways to get to know the other person and even understand oneself in a much better way. I remember a friend who shared her childhood experience with the whole batch and i could sense a smile that was so unique to her, a kind of enigma that was lost in a world which was not her place, her memories and her life.

A heart to heart coversation after a long time with a dear friend made me realise how badly i had missed those times that we shared and valued. The emotions were mutual but the conversations took us to a part that we generally avoided to talk about and yet we talked about it and got to know the matters of concern.
A memory of life that we tend to cherish is about our first love and talking to an elderly person, a friend cum philosopher cum guide with a smiling face and a magnificent aura made me realise how much that love means to me and the invaluable joy that sharing such a personal thing holds. An advise to wait and understand my own self in times when i was close to breaking down made me realise the value that solutions come only when we tend to open up to solve the complex emotions that accompany them.

Just a playful conversation about times to come can also be so close to heart if only we give time and respect the person with whom you had or are sharing your life. Its very important to remember that relations only build up and continue to be strong if given time to nurture and conversations are an inextricable part of the time shared.

So just sit back and start conversing and value each word that matters so lot!

Friday, June 22, 2012

How i ought not to be!

Its a pain that has been there all my life, a story that has been never towards happiness but survival, a part of my life that i ought not to respect but i cannot throw it away!

Yes, i feel jealous when i see happy families, loving couples leading a beautiful life with minor tiffs that just are a part and parcel of life and indeed are important for all the relationships to work forever. I feel neglected when i see children calling 'Home sweet home' with a content family, a doting father and an independent and loving mother who shower all the love if not money.
I have got time from my parents, but what is the use? They never have given me a space that i call our own. I am not allowed to speak whatever comes into my mind, there's no open forum that many of my friends and their families have. Yes, i love my parents, but its more out of respect and duty towards them as the only child of the family, their only daughter.

OKAY, may be i was at fault that i could not have the love i see in other families but what about their own? Between them? There haven't been one single day that they haven't fought or have not criticised each other, whether as an individual, man v/s woman, or simple daily incidents related to cooking, eating, going out and what not. They don't need a reason to start a fight, a reason of not making a coffee early in the morning, has my appa with extreme tempers even while amma does not feel well. If a day goes without fighting, expect it to be the lull before the storm. I have always imagined a time when there would not be any fighting, any violence, prayed to thousands of lords and gods and goddesses in all the temples, even at my place, even begged both of them to stop it atleast for my sake, but the time when they say, they will be happy only if one of them goes away forever, either 'death' or divorce or mutual separation after i am settled is a thing that has never let me settle in what most people call, 'Home sweet home'. Every day, i get up with a thought that please, let everything be alright, happy and healthy but i tremble with fear and helplessness when mornings begin with fights that start for the sake of it! There have been very few days in a month where i get up with a smile and an assurance that they would be happy with each other even if they are not happy with me.

One of my greatest desires in life is to see both happy, healthy always and caring towards each other, without unwanted shouts and violence that seems to have no boundaries but alas, no luck, nothing seems to work.
From the time, i began to understand the world, i dreamt of a perfect family, but i have a family that is next to imperfect, i have no issues, i am happy, i just want them to respect each other if not LOVE!

So, i know for sure, how i ought not to be and i desire a life partner, not a life threat. I await a life full of happiness and true promises, a home that i can call my very own, a life that i can share with no fears and tears!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Its a long wait!

An open letter that talks about a wait that seems longer as an important milestone of my life's journey is approaching and yet i do not know, what you think about me!

Yes, its a long wait! I have been waiting!

to hear a story that has been going on with you, far far from me, a story of your life that means so lot to me! A story that means all the more special when it comes from you, a story that needs to be told by you and you have kept me waited all this time, never told me what it is that you need to share but you haven't.

Do i value so less?

Don't take me wrong, its a wexed heart that speaks like that even when the love is still there. Many call it blind and unrealistic, still i manage to value it because i understand that this is love, may be not at its best but still, it is love!

Atleast give me an answer to those times we shared together, i value each and every moment that you made me realise my own worth, i really wish, you think it over just like i do each day, each hour, each second. I said, am waiting, yes, i am still being patient, but your reciprocation is highly needed because i feel the pain of a distance that was there never before and i ought to know the story of this distance from you and that is why, i wait, all the more!

Understand, life is wonderful when i have you with me in our very own space, that space has a story, it wants to share with you , so your presence is all the more needed! Understand, a beating heart that loves to hear from you, your stories and the silence that follows them. Understand, life is all about story-telling and it means a whole lot more when the narrator is You! Understand, the wait of a smile that comes to my face only when you have a story to tell! Understand, time is precious and a loving request from my heart's story that begs you to spend it with me!

Wait....wait.....and wait for a story of a lifetime!   A longing to be with you forever and ever, a heart and soul that beats for you!

 A loving wait!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

You still remain the true CHAMPIONS!

It was heartbreaking! It was sad! It was close.....Yes, we could have won! would have been a would have been a new record and awesome it would have been.that particularly dependent on a few players' heroics to make it count. CSK has been the the most consistent and well-balanced team throughout all the Indian Premier League editions with a superb winning percentage.

Its a big deal infact to have been in 4 out of 5 finals and winning two out of them. The team has been so well composed that it has always managed to cross the line and make it to the
Indeed, 27th may 2012 would be remembered by any ardent fan and even 'AC' of CHENNAI SUPERKINGS as a well fought final ending sadly in defeat against the Kolkata Knight Riders at Chidambaram stadium, Chepauk in Chennai. The way CSK stormed to the finals with amazing individual innings from Murali Vijay, Captain Dhoni, Suresh Raina, Michael Hussey, S.Badrinath, Ravindra Jadeja, Albie Morkel, R.Ashwin, Ben Hilfenhaus and each and every player of the team working collectively and in such a way that it was indeed a team sport unlike many teams semi finals at the least which speaks a lot about the character of the team and the support staff and the captaincy thats inexplicable.


Friday, May 25, 2012


There are many things in life whose overdose does not make you upset but does not generate happiness either. They bring a smile that are more stupid and sheepish than particularly lovable and you wonder if thats the case with other people too. After all, you are not supposed to go through all of it alone!

In the beginning, it could be taken as just a frame of mind where the brain automatically tends to reproduce what we are thinking and wanting to think about. Constantly, a kind of filtering that happens where one goes on hearing and seeing things that consciously become a part of the person's environment because that is what the person has been thinking and deliberating about for much of the day.

But when those initial coincidences turn into everyday realities that become a part of your environment, of your life to such an extent that even without thinking about that particular thing, person etc, you are exposed to incidences that urge you to start thinking all over again then there is really something wrong!

No matter, how hard you try to ignore and stop telling yourself that everything is just an illusion and work of your uncontrolled imagination but too many signals, too many so called coincidences and too many instances just make you feel terrible and helpless because neither you can acknowledge those feelings nor you can deny them, neither you can confide it nor you can hide it!

Overdose of particular incidents and places, names, connotations and references over a period of time just hint at something which is not only hard to define but even more complicated to understand. When everything in a nutshell just takes you back to memories and filmy style flashbacks, you don't really know how to act and react. No associations of good and bad count because overdose just makes your jaw drop, wonder and feel....nothing more, nothing less!! Period.

Friday, April 06, 2012

The times that are hard to forget………..


THANK YOU! These two words together define your importance that has made me what I am today……. What I have got today………what I have lost and still moved on with a smile……..a lot of things that are hard to resist……definitely……these were and are times that are hard to forget!

Few days after I was born, I left my native place to come to New Delhi and it is been 20 years now that I have lived here.  I cherish those moments when I used to travel in trains during peak summers to reach south of India in the vacations…memories that have become hard to forget! I used to play with my cousins, visit distant relatives and enjoy royal treatment in the name of ‘Delhi ’ (yeah ! Trust me, Delhi used to or in my case still holds an equal footing as to the Americas). The laughter, those cries, those jealousies, those gifts that surprised, those blessings that remain are memories that are hard to forget! I grew up meeting people and making friends, sharing my life, that is, you with them, listening to their stories, creating new ones that are hard to forget. The feelings of accomplishment, awards and appreciation through school years, the teachers under whom, there are special times spent are beautiful memories that are hard to forget. The dreams of pursuing success and the entry into College went hand in hand and the wonderful time that went by, are definitely hard to forget! An unexpected trip with friends from College to an Ashram in Rishikesh changed the way I perceived relationships and that gave me an unexplored angle of myself that is hard to forget.  I started believing more in myself and a mystique power of the Almighty that continues to pave the way of my future…..times that are hard to forget!  For, a Journey that’s just reached a milestone of 20, hoping and wishing for more and more times that are just hard to believe and forget.


Saturday, March 10, 2012


There are some good moments in life which just come into your life for a few seconds and are taken away from you in few other moments leaving you in tears! That is what i experienced this morning as well. Listening to Music when the mind stops working is one of my favourite past time but my Dad thinks that listening to music is wasting time and not doing work. Oh really? The way he said that......really hurt me! I don't like my parents telling me that i don't do my work ......or what has been assigned to me! Infact, they end up spoiling the mood, so enchantingly created by the soulful music!

What do they think? I don't have any responsibility? I don't have any heart to do work? Or do they think that making me sad means peace?

It just hurts to know that you get to hear every taunt and scolding even when you are doing their work and not yours actually! You get up early in the morning.....yes trust me, i got up early, to do my dad's work and even then You get to hear only the bitter part. :( :(

Thats not all. He then called me USELESS.....yeah......after all am his dear daughter!!! <3 pa!